Intellectual Outputs

The ITER project has been developed as an intervention based on existing methodologies to support the improved assessment, develop young person led action plans focusing on key tasks and activities designed to result in the NEET young person's transition to mainstream VET, to include practical methods to support a successful transition to VET, reduce dropout/withdrawal and improve completion of vocational training, achievement of qualifications and pathways to further training, apprenticeships and employment. Resulting in a positive and meaningful contribution towards reducing the numbers of NEET young people in Europe.

The key aim of the ITER project, which will be achieved through the delivery of 5 inter-related innovative Intellectual Outputs (IOs) is to:

Design a web-based platform and diagnostic using gamification methodology which will result in improved assessment that informs individualised targeting and tailored intervention for young people at risk of NEET.

Offer innovative and flexible pathways for NEET young people which integrate an effective methodology for their successful transition into mainstream Vocational Education and Training (VET) and other progression pathways.


I02 The ITER Platform

Start date: 03 February 2020

End date: 31 August 2020

Io2 lead: Antares, Italy

IO2 Summary

The ITER Platform is an online young person friendly and exciting interactive platform adapting gamification methodology in three inter-linked elements: Analysis, Innovation and Validation to develop a suite of assessment, action planning, transitions planning and complimentary reports and reviews; these are designed to support a NEET young person to identify the learning, life, leisure and work factors that contribute to their being NEET, design their customised action plan (with the co-navigation support of a personal mentor) schedule and review progress on tasks and activities, generate reports and develop next-steps transitions planning to prevent drop-out from mainstream VET.


IO3 ITER Transitions Management Handbook

‘Bridging the Transitions Points between customised assistance for NEET young people and Mainstream VET’

Start date: 01 June 2020

End date: 31 December 2020

Io2 lead: Desincoop, Portugal

IO3 Summary

Guidelines on establishing improved transitions management partnerships between programmes that provide customised assistance to NEET young people and mainstream VET Organisations. We will develop a handbook for NEET support organisations and mainstream VET providers that helps them to develop well-managed transitions with focused support, particularly for the most vulnerable NEET young people, to reduce the risk of them becoming disengaged or dropping out of mainstream VET and potentially becoming more long-term NEET. The resulting handbook will provide a step-by-step guide for NEET Support Organisations and VET Organisations on establishing effective communication, partnership arrangements, Identifying vulnerable young people together and engaging in joint work that bridges transitions points and contributes to a “softer landing” for a young person as they move from the customised assistance that has helped them to get to the transition point of a planned move to mainstream VET.


IO4 Pilot Testing The ITER Model – Pilot Study Report

Start date: 01 February 2021

End date: 31 October 2021

IO2 Lead: Extern, UK

IO4 Summary

ITER Pilot Study Report will involve the testing of the ITER platform, interface and tools with NEET experienced young people supported by an IAG practitioner/mentor within a bounded and controlled environment before the ITER platform is sanctioned for broader use; the resulting evaluation report and recommendations will inform the final ITER platform which will be published and available in English, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Hungarian.


IO5 The ITER Framework – Publishing The Complete ITER Suite Of Tools And Resources

Start date: 05 October 2021

End date: 30 April 2022

IO2 Lead: Time, UK

IO5 Summary

The final ITER suite of tools and accompanying materials and resources will be refined and prepared for online publication (MOOC) following the implementation of changes to content, structure and design as identified by the evaluation of the pilot study.



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